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*All services are available by appointment

at my office in Covington, LA & remotely by phone or Zoom.

Empowerment Package

Empowerment Package - $4,444

12 week program to make lasting change in your life



12 - Spiritual Healing + Reading Sessions, 1 hour 45 minutes each

6 - Private Intuition Development Sessions, 75 minutes each

6 - Admissions to my biweekly Meditation Group 

12 - 20 minute phone, "check-in's"

Admission to an intuition development or healing course of your choice 

Unlimited email support 

Daily exercises 


In what area or areas of your life do you feel you have lost your power… or perhaps have never felt empowered to begin with?


Most of us are aware of things we would like to change about ourselves or our lives, but simply don’t know how. There are so many self-help books out there, as well as well thought out programs, but until action steps are taken on a continued basis, growth will remain stagnant. 


Creating lasting change can be extremely difficult. It requires determination, time and patience. The key is continuing to engage the subconscious mind with new ways of being, thought and emotion. Yet even when all the necessary tools are acquired, it’s very easy to fall back into old programming, without guidance and support. 


I have created this Empowerment Package, a 12 week program, to assist you in making lasting changes in your life. This program will include a 1 hour and 45 minute spiritual healing + reading per week, two private intuition development sessions each month, and admission to join my biweekly meditation group each month. It will also include a weekly 20 minute phone, check-in, as well as 24 Hour email Support. This gives us the opportunity to connect at least three times per week, with additional support through email if needed.


All change in life, even changes in our outer world, begin from within. In the intuition development sessions, you will learn how to ground, center, calm your nervous system, raise your vibration, and connect with your Higher Self, Angels and Guides, to receive messages and guidance, using your intuitive clair senses. 


I will also assist you in creating a daily meditation practice, to help you stay centered and mindful each day, as you are on this beautiful journey. 


The spiritual healing sessions will assist in shifting subconscious patterns on an energetic level, as channeled information comes through to assist you in acknowledging old patterns, and ways of thought and being. I will also channel any guidance that comes through for you, to help you shift your perspective and create lasting change.


Throughout our time together, I will also recommend books, exercises, and anything else that comes through intuitively for you, that will help you on your path. 


Feel free to reach out & set up a free phone consultation to see if this is the right package for you.

Spiritual Healing Packages
4 Session Packages:
Receive $20 off each session, a savings of $80

Spiritual Healing - 55 minutes $560
Spiritual Healing + Reading - 55 minutes $700
Spiritual Healing + Reading - 1 hour 45 minutes $1,080

10 Session Packages:
Receive $30 off each session, a savings of $300

Spiritual Healing - 55 minutes $1,300
Spiritual Healing + Reading - 55 minutes $1,650
Spiritual Healing + Reading - 1 hour 45 minutes $2,600
Intuition Development Package

10 Session Package:

1 session free, a savings of $222


Intuition Development - 75 minutes $1,998

Click the link below to purchase a package....

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