Remote Acupuncture /Reiki Combo
Email to schedule:
Cost: $150 – 60 minutes
Gift Certificates available!
Acupuncture / Reiki Combo
*Now offering remote sessions!!
Join Noell Eanes M.AC and myself for a private session combining the awesome benefits of Reiki & acupuncture in the same session!
We begin with an initial consultation discussing your intention. Noell then does a physical & energetic diagnosis before applying needles (into a surrogate acupuncture model) as I begin sending the healing energy of Reiki.
Noell & I both continue doing Reiki while also receiving and sharing any intuitive messages we receive, as to why you are experiencing certain blockages and how to keep your energy clear throughout your daily life.
During these sessions, we will be on a three-way call of your phone, FaceTime or Zoom.
About Noell
Noell Eanes, M.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist, wellness consultant an spiritual healer. She earned a masters degree from Maryland university of integrative health, and has completed postgraduate studies in both Japanese and Chinese healing. Her specialized training in eastern medicine includes classical five element acupuncture, Japanese Shakuju therapy, Qigong, and Reiki.
Additionally, she coaches clients using emotional freedom technique (EFT), meditation, and empowerment drawing on her training as a certified “Infinite Possibilities” trainer. Her passion is helping clients heal and create a deeper, more loving relationship with themselves and their bodies. When she is not at Raw Republic, you can find her meditating, writing, traveling, geeking out over nature and/or playing with her cat Lucas. You can find out more about her services here: